Starbuck holiday cups were released today. Do you know what that means? It means that I can start decorating for the holidays. I am super busy with the election and with getting ready for convention. I have only put the tree in place. I will have to wait until I get back in town to do the rest. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe it’s the universe telling me to slow down with the decorating.
Which one do you like better, the solid white lights or the multi color lights? I am a sucker for the multi lights. I am and always be a kid at heart. The brighter and shinier and the kitschier the better.
Happy 30th anniversary to Stampin’ Up! While I am out of town for our special anniversary convention I would like you to help me celebrate. If you place an order of $30. between now and November 15th I will send you 30 sample cards. I would love to share all of the amazing ideas and swaps that I have received over the past several years. All you need to do is click on the “shop now” button at the top of this page. This will direct you to my shopping page. In the bottom left corner it will ask if you have a hostess code. Use the November host code listed below. That’s all you have to do to help me celebrate and receive 30 cards in the mail.
- November Host Code: Use this code UQVTFB6 when you order online HERE I will send you a thank you card and a free gift if your order is over $35.00. If your order is over $150 in product, please do not use the host code. I want you to be able to get the hostess rewards. I will still send you the thank you card and gift. If you are ordering $100 or more consider the ultimate discount and sign up for the Stampin’ Up! starter kit. You will get an ongoing 20% discount on all of your purchases and support and ideas from me and my team.
- If you would like to join my team click HERE for information. I would love to have you join us!
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