My great niece (great because of relation and great because she just is!) is 2 1/2 years old. She is very close to running the world. She is smart, funny and just amazing. This post is for her.
She stays with my mom and dad during her day while mommy and daddy work. She loves watching videos on my mom’s iPad. Mom tries to get her to watch me on Facebook Live every Tuesday. Emery is interested for no more than 2.5 seconds at a time. It just crushed me that she was unwilling to watch me! Her and I are best buds when I am in town. How could she not want to watch me? I had to win her over. After watching me for a spit second she would start asking to watch Elmo or Bubble Guppies. Well, I knew I couldn’t compete with them! But, I had to try.
I copied a version of this card from Pinterest. I made this card on this weeks Facebook Live. To my shear delight Emery now asks to watch Susie stamp. “Susie make Elmo for Emi!”. I am back in her good graces and she loves me again! I am not completely sure that I can stamp a suitable card for her on every FB Live but at least I got her attention this week. She can at least add it to her list of favorite videos. Don’t forget. You too can rewatch all of the FB Lives. Click on “video” on the list from the sidebar.
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