Yesterday’s Facebook Live was really fun. It was part science experiment, part c.a.s.e. and part wing it. Sounds like most of my Facebook videos. Actually it sounds like most of my stamping adventures. Thanks for stopping by live if you were able to. It means a lot to get to talk with someone while I stamp. See you next week on Facebook.
I think the trick with this technique is to wet the string first and to use ink refill. It need a good bit of dampness to transfer to the paper. It’s really fun to do and a great surprise every time.
This was an “exact” copy of a card that I got in a swap. Ya. Right. I have never made an exact copy of anything.
This card has a few layers. It’s pretty standard.
Card base is 11″ x 4 1/4″. The So Saffron layer is 4 1/8″ x 5 3/8″. The Blackberry Bliss is 5 1/4″ x 4″. The white is 3 3/4″ x 5″. I pulled the center 2 strings from the burlap ribbon and cut the length of it in half to create a more narrow ribbon to accent the card.
Here are the supplies I used to make all of the cards. Click on any of the pictures to go to my shopping page.
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