My youngest son went to prom this last weekend. He is a senior this year so this is his last prom. It just so happened that this was my first prom. The school needed parent help for checking in students on prom night. I asked him permission first and then I jumped at the chance. (I didn’t attend my prom when I was in school.) So I was super excited that I at least got to go to his. He was really sweet to let me go. At prom I was at the front door for most of the night. As I was leaving I snuck a picture with him. His friends also asked me to join them to hang out. I thought that I would leave them have their night and bowed out.
Backing up to before prom……
Steven wanted his date to have a special corsage. He ordered her favorite book and made 3 flowers out of some of the pages. He worked and researched all week. I attempted to help him a few times but he was determined to get it done by himself. This is what he came up with. I packaged it when he was done. Creativity comes in all forms. Paper crafting has many possibilities and is a great way to make things special. This weekend was pretty special to me. I am really grateful for the experience and for a great kid!
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